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Here is Everything You Get for $44:

11 Burnout-Related Articles

Above is an example of what one of the Professional PDF's look like

Available in Professional PDF, Doc, & Txt formats

1.  7 Tips for Shift Workers to Reduce the Chances of Experiencing Burnout (859 words)

2.  Using Stephen Covey's Methods to Set Priorities to Prevent Burnout (431 words)

3.  6 Myths about Burnout (450 words)

4.  How Your Personality Increases your Chances for Burnout (523 words)

5.  8 Tips to Reduce Toxins & the Resulting Burnout in your Body's Internal Systems (575 words)

6.  5 Ways to Avoid Burnout When you Work for Yourself from Home (634 words)

7.  4 Tips for Helping your Children Cope with Stress (556 words)

8.  4 Tips for Avoiding Caregiver Stress & Burnout (520 words)

9.  5 Tips for Delegating Effectively (572 words)

10. Setting Priorities is as Easy as ABC  (530 words)

11. Telltale Signs that you are Experiencing Job Burnout & Tips to Improve the Situation 

5 More Positive Affirmations

Positive Self-Talk is just one treatment method discussed in the PLR ebook that you just purchased.  Burnout from chronic stress often involves negative thinking patterns. These positive “Affirmations for My Life” help people reduce burnout from stress by changing from negative to positive thoughts. 

  Affirmations are great for use as part of an autoresponder series, or to include at the end of the PLR ebook that you just purchased.  Just use your imagination.  They are one more tool in your toolbox. 

Available in a professional PDF format with professional graphics so they are ready to use, and TXT and DOC formats should you want to alter them in any way

Each affirmation ranges from around 215 – 295 words

Here are the Topics:

1.  I am feeling better every day.

2.  I am thankful for my job.  

3.  I deserve "me" time.

4.  I let go of anger easily.

5.  My mind creates my reality. 

7 Days of Autoresponder Messages

After someone signs up for your free opt-in report (that you just purchased in the Main PLR offer) about "Job Burnout: The Thief That Steals your Joy", send them these messages to build a relationship with your audience before selling the idea of the PLR ebook, "Burnout:  The Invisible Disability Epidemic,"  which you can charge for. 

Or, if you prefer, just use these messages as separate blog posts or on a Facebook group, for example. Each message contains a range of 300-400 words.  

Autoresponder Message Topics Include:

1st Message:  Here's your Free Report on Job Burnout Plus What is Next

2nd Message:  What is in your control?

3rd Message:  Do you know how to set limits?

4th Message:  What relaxes you?

5th Message:  Do you need an attitude check?

6th Message:  How to be positive in a negative world

7th Message:  The key to recovery from burnout

All of these messages are meant to presell the final ebook, "Burnout:  The Invisible Disability Epidemic." 

5 Recipes to Support Healing from Burnout

Available in Doc, Txt, and PDF.

Diets high in protein, reduced sugar, and a lot of vegetables are all really important components to healing from burnout.

The 5 recipes below fit the requirements for healing foods.

The Recipes include:

1.  Oven-baked Kale chips

2.  Hearty Beef & Vegetable Soup Medley

3.  Filling Homemade Lentil Soup

4.  Easy Baked Omelet

5.  Sugarless Bean Salad

2 More Videos

You get 2 more videos that are ready to go - "Personality & Its Relation to Burnout" & "Burnout in Working Moms" - in Zipped mp4 formats.  These short, approximately one-minute professional videos are great for use on your website or on video-streaming sites like You Tube or Vimeo. 

You can brand the end of them with your call-to-action or website.  I have a video tutorial on my You Tube channel (Kim Phoenix PLR) that shows you how you can do this, if you need instructions.

Plus, Get This Mega Stress PLR Pack

This Stress PLR pack is a great complement to the Burnout PLR pack you just purchased, as burnout and stress are highly correlated.  

  This PLR pack sells for the regular price of $27 on my website at, BUT TODAY you get it ALONG WITH 10 unique, never-before-sold articles, 7 autoresponders, 2 more videos, 5 recipes, and 5 checklists all for only $17 total! 

Grab a Part of the Stress Niche that Receives Over 9,000,000 Global Searches every month!

One of the most common desires is to learn how to reduce and manage stress better. Related to this topic are the resolutions to enjoy life more, spend more time with friends and family, get organized, and exercise more – all factors that can go a long way in reducing stress.

Stress in people's lives has increased over the years. The World Health Organization has referred to stress as a health epidemic of the 21st century, affecting both the physical and mental health of sufferers. According to the American Psychological Association's website, it states that the "2010 Stress in America" survey illustrates that:

  • The adults and children of this nation are experiencing stress in many areas of their lives.
  • Although stressed-out adults recognize that they need to take steps to manage their stress, they cite lack of time, energy, and motivation as factors interfering with stress reduction.
  • They are not satisfied with their ability to balance work and non-work activities.
  • Many surveyed realized that their health is suffering on account of the stress. Things like obesity, high blood pressure, and depression can result.
  • Many skip meals, overeat, or eat junk or fast food.
  • Many feel that their relationships are suffering.

2/3 of Americans are looking for ways to reduce the stress they are experiencing (American Psychological Association 2004). This is where you come in. People are looking for ways to reduce the stress in their lives at both work and home!

So Are You Ready To Cash in on This Market Who Need Your Help?

If you are looking for high-quality PLR content that you can immediately put to use, then please read my message below:

This is what you get in your ready-to-use Stress PLR Pack:

16 Stress-Related Articles

 Stress articles pdf

 Available in a professional PDF format with professional graphics so they are ready to use, and TXT and RTF formats should you want to alter them in any way

  • Topics focus on stress and regaining control of one's life
  • Can be used for blog content, creation of videos, for webinars, or in your offline business with your clients
  • All topics have at least 400 words. Many have 500+ words.

16 Article Topics Include: (Keywords are in Quotes)

  • "Coping with Stress" by Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  • 8 "Organizational Skills" for Home That Can Reduce Your Overall Stress
  • What are The Different "Causes of Stress?"
  • 4 "Positive-Thinking" Methods that Help to Reduce Your Stress
  • 4 "Time-Management Tips" for Decreasing Your Stress
  • 5 "Relaxation Techniques" to Help You Deal with Your Stress
  • 6 Methods to Restore Your "Work-Life Balance"
  • 7 Ways to Reduce Your "Stress in the Workplace"
  • How to Apply the 4 A's of "Stress Relief" to Your Life
  • Kill Two Birds with One Stone: "Reduce Stress" and Get In Shape
  • 2 Reasons Why Stress is Bad For Your Heart
  • What is the Relationship Between Stress & "Adrenal Fatigue?"
  • Tips to Put Into Action When Debt Is Causing You "Financial Stress"
  • 3 Ways that "Yoga Benefits" Your Stressed Body
  • 5 "Stress-Relieving Foods"That You Should Eat
  • "Stress-Management Techniques" for You


3 PowerPoint Presentations




  • Just record your voice using screen capture software such as Jing or Screencast-O-Matic (both free), and upload to places like YouTube. This is a great way to get your site noticed, and become recognized as an expert in this hot-topic niche.
  • Available in PPT format

PowerPoint Presentation Topics Include:

  • Learn How to Conquer Stress, Depression, and Anxiety – This links to the "Conquer Stress, Depression, & Anxiety" product on Clickbank. Just insert your Clickbank Affiliate Link.
  • Stress in Children - This PowerPoint Presentation can be used to invite visitors back to your website, where they can then fill out the "Childhood Stress Symptoms" checklist (you get this as part of your purchase of this PLR package). In order to build your autoresponder list, you may want to give the "Childhood Stress Symptoms" checklist away. Be creative!
  • How Timeboxing Can Reduce Stress - This PowerPoint Presentation explains what timeboxing is, and how potential customers can use software available from Clickbank to manage their time. You will earn approximately $25/sale. Insert your Clickbank Affiliate link.


30 "Thoughts-to-Inspire" Positive Affirmation Messages


Affirmations stress

  • Great for use as part of an autoresponder series. This allows you to stay in communication with your list, and keep them motivated towards reaching their goals.
  • Customizable so that you can add in products that you want to promote that are related to the topic message.
  • The topics included in these messages will motivate your clients or subscribers to keep them moving forwards with their goals of reducing stress and leading happier lives.
  • If you prefer, you could package all 30 messages, and create a book that you sell or give away as an opt-in.
  • Use these as free giveaways or opt-in freebies.
  • Use these messages as a lead-in to promote related products Available in a professional PDF format with professional graphics so they are ready to use, and TXT and RTF formats should you want to alter them in any way.
  • Each topic ranges from around 125-175 words

"Thoughts to Inspire" Topics Include:

  • I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.
  • Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.
  • Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.
  • Energy and persistence conquer all things.
  • God didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?
  • Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances.
  • Happiness depends upon ourselves.
  • How very little can be done under the spirit of fear.
  • Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritations and resentments slip away and a sunny spirit takes their place.
  • I am a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down...
  • I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse.
  • I walk slowly, but I never walk backward.
  • I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.
  • In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail.
  • It is better to fall short of a high mark than to reach a low one.
  • “Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way... you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions.”
  • "Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be."
  • "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
  • “People who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents.”
  • “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”
  • “Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.”
  • “Stress is like an iceberg. We can see one-eighth of it above, but what about what's below?”
  • "Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."
  • "That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve as well."
  • “The mark of a successful man is one that has spent an entire day on the bank of a river without feeling guilty about it.”
  • "The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family."
  • "There is little success where there is little laughter."
  • "To be free of destructive stress, don't sweat the small stuff and by realizing that all stuff is small."
  • "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
  • "We sleep, but the loom of life never stops, and the pattern which was weaving when the sun went down, is weaving when it comes up in the morning."

5 Checklists/Questionnaires

  • Use these checklists and questionnaires in various ways: as an opt-in, with offline clients, to promote Clickbank or other affiliate products, to lead visitors back to your website or business, as part of autoresponder messages, etc.
  • Available in professional PDF, TXT, and RTF

Checklist/Questionnaire Topics Include:

  • Stress Checklist
  • Time-to-Take-Action Stress Questionnaire
  • Time-Management Quiz
  • Job Satisfaction Survey
  • Childhood Stress Symptoms (for use with the Stress in Children PowerPoint Presentation listed above)


This is the bottom slider area. You can edit this text and also insert any element here. This is a good place if you want to put an opt-in form or a scarcity countdown.