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Here is Everything You Get for $44:

10 Anxiety-Related Articles

Available in Professional PDF, Doc, & Txt formats

1.  4 Simple Ways to Help your Child with Anxiety (575 words)

2.  4 Tips for Reducing the Anxiety Associated with Public Speaking (765 words)

3.  4 Ways that Social Media is Contributing to Anxiety (634 words)

4.  5 Signs of a Toxic Friendship that is Contributing to Your Anxiety (559 words)

5.  3 Causes of Anxiety in an Intimate Relationship (442 words)

6.  How to Deal with Difficult People when you Suffer from Anxiety (628 words)

7.  Panic Attacks - 3 Ways that they Can be Treated (548 words)

8.  Postpartum Anxiety - What it is & What you Can Do (506 words)

9.  Separation Anxiety in Babies - 5 Effective Ways to Minimize it in Your Child (636 words)

10.  Tips for Decreasing Test Anxiety (589 words)

10 More Positive Affirmations

Positive Self-Talk is just one treatment method discussed in the PLR ebook that you just purchased.  Anxiety involves negative thinking patterns. These positive “Affirmations for My Life” help people reduce anxiety by changing from negative to positive thoughts. 

  Affirmations are great for use as part of an autoresponder series. You can create a month's worth of autoresponders or thirty weeks worth, if you like, by using these positive affirmations with the previous 20 you bought. 

Available in a professional PDF format with professional graphics so they are ready to use, and TXT and DOC formats should you want to alter them in any way

Each affirmation ranges from around 225 – 275 words

Here are the Topics:

1.  I make friends easily.

2.  I remain calm at all times.  

3.  I trust in my ability to make the best decisions.

4.  My life is free of worry.

5.  My mind is at peace as I go about my daily activities. 

6.  My past does not control me anymore.

7.  I am the product of my thoughts.  What I think, I become.  - Mahatma Gandhi

8.  There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.  - Shakespeare's Hamlet

9.  This will pass.  I am safe.  

10. When I smile, it makes me feel happy and less anxious.

2 More Videos

You get 2 more videos that are ready to go - "Positive Self Talk" & "Social Anxiety" - in mp4 formats.  These short, approximately one-minute professional videos are great for use on your website or on video-streaming sites like You Tube or Vimeo. 

You can brand the end of them with your call-to-action or website. 

You even get the original raw Videomaker FX files should you want to make more extensive edits. 

Plus, Get This Depression PLR Pack

This Depression PLR pack is a great complement to the Anxiety PLR pack you just purchased, as depression and anxiety often co-exist in individuals.  

  This PLR pack sells for the regular price of $27 on my website at, BUT TODAY you get it ALONG WITH 10 unique, never-before-sold articles and 10 never-before-sold positive affirmations, and 2 videos, all for only $17 total! 

Approximately 9 Million People in the U.S. are Treated for Depression Every Year!

Like stress, depression has become an epidemic in modern culture. Depression costs the economy millions, and likely billions, in lost productivity every year. And that pales in comparison to the cost that comes to those suffering from it. Depression sufferers know all too well that it affects their relationships negatively, and steals the joy out of everyday living.

Depression affects people of all ages, from the very young to the elderly.

Fortunately, depression is a treatable illness. There are different types and severities of depression, but you can guarantee that all of those people who suffer from it, want to begin enjoying life again.

So Are You Ready To Help This Market Get Better?

If you are looking for high-quality PLR content that you can immediately put to use, then please read my message below:

This is what you get in your ready-to-use Depression PLR Pack:

16 Depression-Related Articles

Here are samples of the PDF's you get:  4 Medical Causes for Depression5 tips to consider before purchasing a SAD lamp7 ways to identify suicidal ideation in a depressed individual

Topics focus on depression (including dysthymia and seasonal affective disorder), as well as depression in various ages and life stages. Available in a professional PDF format with professional graphics so they are ready to use, and TXT, RTF, and DOCX formats should you want to alter them in any way. Can be used for blog content, creation of videos, for webinars, or in your offline business with your clients All topics have at least 400 words. Many have 500+ words.

  1. Do You Have the Baby Blues or is it Postpartum Depression Instead?
  2. 3 Natural Ways of Dealing with Depression
  3. 3 Types of Herbal Remedies for Depression
  4. 4 Medical Causes for Depression
  5. 4 Myths about Depression in the Elderly
  6. 4 Reasons for Postpartum Depression & Risk Factors for Its Development
  7. 4 Steps to Reduce Depression by Changing Your Thinking
  8. 5 Benefits of Pet Therapy for Depression
  9. 5 Tips to Consider Before Purchasing a SAD Lamp
  10. 7 Types of Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  11. 7 Ways to Identify Suicidal Ideation in a Depressed Individual
  12. What is Dysthymia and What Can be Done About it?
  13. What are the Causes of Depression in Children and Teenagers?
  14. Ways to Recognize if an Elderly Loved One has Depression or Dementia
  15. Symptoms & Presentations of Depression in School-Aged Children & Adolescents
  16. Recognizing Prenatal Depression & Its Effects on Mother & Unborn Baby

 1 PowerPoint Presentation

Just record your voice using screen capture software such as Jing or Screencast-O-Matic (both free), and upload to places like YouTube. This is a great way to get your site noticed, and become recognized as an expert in this niche. Available in PPT format

What is the Relationship Between Depression & Anxiety?


14 Affirmations for My Life

Depression involves negative thinking patterns. These positive "Affirmations for My Life" help people move forwards by changing from negative to positive thoughts. Affirmations are great for use as part of an autoresponder series. If you prefer, you could package all 14 affirmations, and create a book that you sell or give away as an opt-in. Use these as free giveaways or opt-in freebies Use these affirmation messages as a lead-in to promote related products Available in a professional PDF format with professional graphics so they are ready to use, and TXT and RTF formats should you want to alter them in any way Each affirmation ranges from around 225 - 275 words.

  1. I am a determined individual.
  2. I am a good parent.
  3. I am blessed.
  4. I am thankful.
  5. I am vibrant and full of energy.
  6. I can handle whatever comes my way.
  7. I learn from my mistakes.
  8. I love myself.
  9. I am strong.
  10. I find joy in the little things in life.
  11. I live for today.
  12. My life has purpose and meaning.
  13. I create the life I desire.
  14. I deserve to be respected.

1 Checklist & 1 Chart


Use as part of an opt-in or bonus with your clients or subscribers. Available in professional PDF, TXT, and RTF

  1. Depression vs. Dementia Comparison Chart
  2. Symptoms of Depression Checklist

15 Inspirational Desktop Wallpapers with Quotes



  Use these wallpapers to build your list as free giveaways, or as a bonus when combined in a package you create for sale. You can even use them to create videos - the sky's the limit! Available in 10 resolutions



Anxiety PLR Pack OTO


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